(too old to reply)
2003-09-27 21:51:58 UTC
I feel I have a problem with depression, I feel sad and unhappy most of the
time I go through the motions of living Have recently had a couple of
sessions of hypnotherapy didnt really help. Have read various self
improvement type books some good ideas there.
I think Ihave felt like this for several years, two years ago I lost a
job, and my girlfriend left shortly afterwards, we were only together a
couple of months, and yet I still find myself brooding about the past, find
it difficult to move forward. Have become quite withdrawn socially. Can
anyone offer any advice?


Jay Jay
2003-10-06 16:04:37 UTC
Our self-esteem is often effected by this feeling of depression. Some
times I feel it leads to my sexuality having no one to share with. Some
times it is just not having some one to talk to, or make love to. It is
the me of me, that makes up what I think of myself. That you are out
there; Reading what I feel like posting. That I can in-turn Read what
you have to say. It is like using the power of 'Words" And this is a
strange & wonderful thing to do.
2003-10-07 01:21:46 UTC
Have you considered getting medical advice. There are a lot of mild
anti-depressents that may help shift your brain chemistry. I know
this is looked down upon but if it helps you get your life back on
track why wouldn't you? This may be a good addition to self help
books and so forth. I am not sure how much excersise you get but this
is also a natural way to shift the brain chemistry.
Post by shaun
I feel I have a problem with depression, I feel sad and unhappy most of the
time I go through the motions of living Have recently had a couple of
sessions of hypnotherapy didnt really help. Have read various self
improvement type books some good ideas there.
I think Ihave felt like this for several years, two years ago I lost a
job, and my girlfriend left shortly afterwards, we were only together a
couple of months, and yet I still find myself brooding about the past, find
it difficult to move forward. Have become quite withdrawn socially. Can
anyone offer any advice?
2003-10-18 10:00:19 UTC
Post by rissa
Have you considered getting medical advice. There are a lot of mild
anti-depressents that may help shift your brain chemistry. I know
this is looked down upon but if it helps you get your life back on
track why wouldn't you? This may be a good addition to self help
books and so forth. I am not sure how much excersise you get but this
is also a natural way to shift the brain chemistry.
Post by shaun
I feel I have a problem with depression, I feel sad and unhappy most of the
time I go through the motions of living Have recently had a couple of
sessions of hypnotherapy didnt really help. Have read various self
improvement type books some good ideas there.
I think Ihave felt like this for several years, two years ago I lost a
job, and my girlfriend left shortly afterwards, we were only together a
couple of months, and yet I still find myself brooding about the past, find
it difficult to move forward. Have become quite withdrawn socially. Can
anyone offer any advice?
Hi Shaun
You know we attract things according to the type of person we become.
Some people always look for the easy way out i.e medication but the
best medicine is self-esteem gained by focusing on your inner you,
take a note pad and and draw a line down the middle of a page, then at
the top right hand side write in cap's Good then on the left write
Now write down all the good things you have, I mean all of them;
Sight, hearing, walking taste, sense of smell etc everything.
Then write down the Bad things you think you have.
I bet the good far out-weighs the bad.
Now concentrate on the left hand column and what may be in the right
hand one will empty all by itself.
You may have lost a job but hey we have all been there, what happens
happens, it's what you do about it that matter, there are no jobs for
life in this global economy but there are more jobs in a life time.
As for losing your girlfriend I've had lots of shooting stars pass
over head but one day you will catch the one that is meant just for
Live your life the way you want it to be you can make it happen. I

Good vibes to you

Mr Ed

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