(too old to reply)
2003-07-26 19:52:08 UTC
Hello all,
I'm writing to invite you to try this no mess, no bullshit and
no obligation crap trial period news's letter. It's my experiences of
trials and errors with a difference!

I have over the years come to the conclusion that life is as simple as you
want it to be. The Hardest part is actually getting started, actually moving
your backside and pushing yourself that makes all the difference and NOT
listening to too many people, thinking they have all the answers. The true
answers to all your problems are waiting to be tapped from within yourself.
The KEY to obtaining them is simply trying harder, believing you can and not
caring if you can't!

1. What is your real reason for not achieving what you need or want?
Do you find yourself blaming someone else for your problems? If so, think
honestly about why you do so. You will find the real reason is because you
think you can't change yourself or achieve your desire and so you find
someone or something else to blame. You yourself will make it happen or you
won't. Don't blame "I had a bad education... My mother was... He didn't like
me... I look like... I'm too fat for... Just get up and do it! TRY TRY TRY!
Forget what others think about you or how you look and sound. Because if you
don't you will only continue to use them as an escape route and blame them
for your short falls. Just get up and make an action plan. i.e..e I want to
5 miles... but I'm too fat. That is bullshit. You have to start somewhere,
so start at the door! It doesn't matter if it's for a couple of seconds a
day to start with and that it'll take fithteen years to achieve. Just as
long as you start and keep it up! That's the difference from those who do
and those who don't.

2. Why do you seek help and an answer from someone else... when you already
know the answer and can easily help yourself?
Truth... You honestly do know the answer, and that's why your still
searching. Because your looking (like I had for many years) for a quick fix
solution. Hard work and honest self belief is the only answer. KNOW YOU CAN

3.Truth.... Nobody is stopping you, no one is standing in your way. The only
person who is, is yourself!


People think they know you best. WHY... Because they've made an opinion
about you. An opinion is nothing more and nothing less than someone else's
self gratification. YOU CAN'T BECAUSE THEY THINK THEY CAN! They think their
better than you simply because of this reason. {THE THINK AND BELIEVE IT TO
BE TRUE}. The fact is simply this.. NOBODY and I do mean NOBODY looks like
you, smells like you, acts like you, thinks like you, has your finger
prints, has your eye retinas... you are simply one brilliant individual.
People might smell, look, act, or even walk SIMILAR to you but you will
find someone else exactly the same as you. They can never think like you or
copy you exactly. Even twins have differences! You are truly one in a
billion trillion! So how can they truly know you or your potential? Correct
they cant!

Have you ever noticed how someone will say... "I can't do that!" and they
can't? Belief (positive) will make it so. Sounds negative to you and I, but
to the brain, it's a forcefully positive statement. If they say "I'm
brilliant at maths" You will notice how confident and sure about that
statement they are, and they will sure be able to prove it. WHY? Because
your brain works for only one reason. It's main purpose in life is to
please you! It only doe's what you ask it to. "If you say I can't remember!"
It will make sure you can't! It wants only what you want or what it thinks
you want. repition of a statement or act, will eventually change your brains
way of thinking, because it is a goal seeking device. Think of it this
way... If you said to yourself for one whole day that on the 10th of
January 2005 you must meet John at the Lion Inn at 7:30, and said with a
coupled with the belief that it's very important to so,
and then forgot completely. I guarantee to you, that you will wake up
on that day with a thought like... I wonder how John is... and then
something like, bloody hell today the 10th of January!

Your problem is like a dripping tap, at the beginning there is little
evidence of a problem (Like a little poorly thought out memory) but if left
to drip into a bucket (i.e. Like the memory being repeated) eventually the
bucket over -flows. (Your feelings towards this bad memory enlarge to the
point of being so serious that you can't stop thinking about it!)

Most important point to remember...

Your memories can change as easily as you want them too!

Break your problem down and analise it.

Just think in real terms, I CAN!
Even when you feel you can't say you can, concentrate on it, think it and
put feeling into it. Concentrate on the words "I can and will change ..."

All you are actually doing is reversing the process that made the negative
"NO I CAN'T to a real positive YES I CAN! But best of all... It only takes
one month of repeated positive thoughts to change any negative ones. Good

By the way... I'm not good at writing and rather poor at letter structures.
Which I have to admit, I know is my downfall. But it's not a problem now
because I can change this by going to night school. THING IS... It really
wasn't a problem until the teacher told me about it 26 years ago, and it
didn't matter to me until after I left school which was four years later.
Causing embarrisment to someone can have a lasting effect! Thankfully I now
understand how to change my old way of thinking, and I hope have helped you
to change yours....

Russ Mawson
2003-10-02 21:29:48 UTC
Ok good people.

This is the bottom line.

It does not matter what you think of me!

What does matter is what I think you think of me!

If I think you think I am Superman, how am I going to relate to you?

That right! With lots of positive Enthusiasm!

LSE cannot live in the same place as Enthusiasm!

Enthusiasm is like a Light in a Dark Place.

The Darkness Disappears when the Light comes on!

Start getting off your own problems and start helping others solve theirs

and you will find your LSE vanishes in the process.

Whatever you do don't join a Pity Party with another person with LSE.

Build them Up and in the process you build yourself up!

Hope you learn to see that this works.

Russ Mawson


Post by ian.sharp8
Hello all,
I'm writing to invite you to try this no mess, no bullshit and
no obligation crap trial period news's letter. It's my experiences of
trials and errors with a difference!
I have over the years come to the conclusion that life is as simple as you
want it to be. The Hardest part is actually getting started, actually moving
your backside and pushing yourself that makes all the difference and NOT
listening to too many people, thinking they have all the answers. The true
answers to all your problems are waiting to be tapped from within yourself.
The KEY to obtaining them is simply trying harder, believing you can and not
caring if you can't!
1. What is your real reason for not achieving what you need or want?
Do you find yourself blaming someone else for your problems? If so, think
honestly about why you do so. You will find the real reason is because you
think you can't change yourself or achieve your desire and so you find
someone or something else to blame. You yourself will make it happen or you
won't. Don't blame "I had a bad education... My mother was... He didn't like
me... I look like... I'm too fat for... Just get up and do it! TRY TRY TRY!
Forget what others think about you or how you look and sound. Because if you
don't you will only continue to use them as an escape route and blame them
for your short falls. Just get up and make an action plan. i.e..e I want to
5 miles... but I'm too fat. That is bullshit. You have to start somewhere,
so start at the door! It doesn't matter if it's for a couple of seconds a
day to start with and that it'll take fithteen years to achieve. Just as
long as you start and keep it up! That's the difference from those who do
and those who don't.
2. Why do you seek help and an answer from someone else... when you already
know the answer and can easily help yourself?
Truth... You honestly do know the answer, and that's why your still
searching. Because your looking (like I had for many years) for a quick fix
solution. Hard work and honest self belief is the only answer. KNOW YOU CAN
3.Truth.... Nobody is stopping you, no one is standing in your way. The only
person who is, is yourself!
People think they know you best. WHY... Because they've made an opinion
about you. An opinion is nothing more and nothing less than someone else's
self gratification. YOU CAN'T BECAUSE THEY THINK THEY CAN! They think their
better than you simply because of this reason. {THE THINK AND BELIEVE IT TO
BE TRUE}. The fact is simply this.. NOBODY and I do mean NOBODY looks like
you, smells like you, acts like you, thinks like you, has your finger
prints, has your eye retinas... you are simply one brilliant individual.
People might smell, look, act, or even walk SIMILAR to you but you will
find someone else exactly the same as you. They can never think like you or
copy you exactly. Even twins have differences! You are truly one in a
billion trillion! So how can they truly know you or your potential? Correct
they cant!
Have you ever noticed how someone will say... "I can't do that!" and they
can't? Belief (positive) will make it so. Sounds negative to you and I, but
to the brain, it's a forcefully positive statement. If they say "I'm
brilliant at maths" You will notice how confident and sure about that
statement they are, and they will sure be able to prove it. WHY? Because
your brain works for only one reason. It's main purpose in life is to
please you! It only doe's what you ask it to. "If you say I can't remember!"
It will make sure you can't! It wants only what you want or what it thinks
you want. repition of a statement or act, will eventually change your brains
way of thinking, because it is a goal seeking device. Think of it this
way... If you said to yourself for one whole day that on the 10th of
January 2005 you must meet John at the Lion Inn at 7:30, and said with a
coupled with the belief that it's very important to so,
and then forgot completely. I guarantee to you, that you will wake up
on that day with a thought like... I wonder how John is... and then
something like, bloody hell today the 10th of January!
Your problem is like a dripping tap, at the beginning there is little
evidence of a problem (Like a little poorly thought out memory) but if left
to drip into a bucket (i.e. Like the memory being repeated) eventually the
bucket over -flows. (Your feelings towards this bad memory enlarge to the
point of being so serious that you can't stop thinking about it!)
Most important point to remember...
Your memories can change as easily as you want them too!
Break your problem down and analise it.
Just think in real terms, I CAN!
Even when you feel you can't say you can, concentrate on it, think it and
put feeling into it. Concentrate on the words "I can and will change ..."
All you are actually doing is reversing the process that made the negative
"NO I CAN'T to a real positive YES I CAN! But best of all... It only takes
one month of repeated positive thoughts to change any negative ones. Good
By the way... I'm not good at writing and rather poor at letter structures.
Which I have to admit, I know is my downfall. But it's not a problem now
because I can change this by going to night school. THING IS... It really
wasn't a problem until the teacher told me about it 26 years ago, and it
didn't matter to me until after I left school which was four years later.
Causing embarrisment to someone can have a lasting effect! Thankfully I now
understand how to change my old way of thinking, and I hope have helped you
to change yours....